Why Vlahopol Custom Guitars?


We at Vlahopol Guitars are studying different wood combination in order to offer you the best guitar there is. We will work our hearts out to offer you the guitar of your dreams at a very affordable price. In fact you will never get such a good guitar with such specs in a guitar done in a factory by the tens of thousands of copies.


Vlahopol Custom Guitars will help you be unique not have a guitar with a crazy 6 digits serial number or even more sometimes. A limited edition done by a big factory / brand will still put you in the same pot with everybody else since they make at least few thousands guitars of that “limited edition”.

SOUND? – Vlahopol Custom Pickups!

We have developed 14 pickup models for guitars and 4 pickup models for basses to satisfy the most demanding tastes in guitar sound. Vlahopol Custom Pickups have been created because we do not take things for granted.

Unique, means UNIQUEUnique and custom means you get what we say you will getNOT a custom body with some pickups that you can buy in any and every music store.

Unique means something else – done in very small quantities and always personalized and not pickups form a well known brand that again it is done in millions of copies.


Please answer this logic questions to yourself:

  1. Why do you want to buy a guitar made in 3.000.000 copies or even more?
  2. Why have a common sound like other 2.356.250.247 other people?
  3. Why not get a custom made guitar that has your very name on it for fraction of cost?
  4. Why not get a Vlahopol Custom Guitar with Vlahopol Custom Pickups?


When we developed the idea of Vlahopol Custom Guitars we had in mind to have a modern guitar with a versatile sound both old and new all in one.  

This was our second prototype drawing – the first one looked a little different.

Goals we wanted to achieve with this amazing guitar:

– Modern designs – meaning we have our own models developed and we are very happy IF you want to have your own body shape made just for you as YOU want.

Perfect balance – since we all know there are some expansive guitars that are not well balanced. The neck will not stay where you put it. We put it to the test and made more than one body in different shapes, thicknesses and dimensions. But we wanted a special shape at the same time so this is what came out.


We wanted to be different so we developed the Body to Body Concept

We wanted the body of the guitar to stick to your physical body, to stick to you , therefore we made a different slopes on the back of the guitar so regardless in what position you will put the guitar it will stick to you and ON YOU.

Originally called Sharky Guitars because of Mike Vlahopol nick’s name as a teenager we wanted to come up with our own version of a Sharky Grip – just like we kept the Sharky concept on the pickups and on the necks.

Because the first grip was a little bigger than we expected we came up we the idea of squashing the picture and redo the drawing as it is now.

With a very realistic 3D shark teeth mouth we called it Sharky Bite Grip since you will put your hand into the Shark’s mouth.

With two possible routings front and back we will  let you choose what suites you most a Vlahopol Guitar with a pickguard or with pickup rings.

Vlahopol Guitars have one of the deepest neck pocket we know of – there might be others that we don’t know of yet but we assure you there are very few guitars with such feature.

We developed 3D models for each single model for different tremolos, different routings to make sure we will have each time the same outcome especially for the routings which are vitally important for the future guitar.

The second important slope with a slick pattern  is on the back of the neck pocket. We believe it will help your hand reach much easier and much faster up to fret 24 even if the neck is wider and its pocket deeper.